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Path: falcon.sct.fr!sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!pipex!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!uwm.edu!reuter.cse.ogi.edu!engr.orst.edu!gaia.ucs.orst.edu!news.uidaho.edu!buzzard.csrv.uidaho.edu!sheal933
From: sheal933@buzzard.csrv.uidaho.edu (EARGOBS)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing
Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres!
Date: 21 May 1995 02:42:08 GMT
Organization: University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
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Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4132 alt.cyberpunk:319 alt.postmodern:192 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:102 alt.cyberpunk.movement:42 misc.writing:1185
Adrian Preston (te_s343@kingston.ac.uk) wrote:
The only rational response to this thread.
Really, what the point? Who gives a shit?
I have been a fan of SF (death to all who write/say "sci-fi") and Fantasy
for most of my life, as well as a fan of other genres and fiction in
general. A. Preston makes some very valid points. Ultimately, genre is a
marketing device. The things you people are arguing about, the
definitions you propose, are merely the conventions of a genre. If you
want to sell a Fantasy book, you write a book about magic, feudal
societies, swords. SF? Well, you write about time travel, space travel,
advanced technology.
This should be pretty obvious.
The fact that this thread is even a topic for discussion is incredibly
amusing to me. The first thing to understand about definitions is that
anyone can make them, and they are only valid within very limited context.
I'd much rather see a discussion on how to revive what seem to be two
genres weighed down with a set of self-imposed limitations.
Talk is cheap, as they say. Any half-brain can pontificate on the
differences between SF and Fantasy. I am not impressed.
Newsgroups: alt.cyberspace,alt.folklore.computers,alt.life.internet,alt.politics.datahighway,alt.society.futures,comp.society.futures,news.future,alt.amateur-comp,alt.gov.meeting.partdemo
Path: falcon.sct.fr!sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e1a.megaweb.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!uunet!in1.uu.net!eskimo!irish
From: irish@eskimo.com (Irish)
Subject: Re: Future of the net?
X-Nntp-Posting-Host: eskimo.com
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Date: Thu, 18 May 1995 10:57:06 GMT
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Xref: sct.fr alt.cyberspace:319 alt.folklore.computers:363 alt.society.futures:40 comp.society.futures:52 news.future:31 alt.amateur-comp:43
runexe@netcom.com (Doug Geiger) writes:
>I'm getting this UNIX dial-up for 17.95 a month, unlimited usage, 19.95
>startup was waived, along with first months fee with a offer in the back
>on the Internet Unleashed book on UNIX dial-up accounts
Hmm. I pay $96 a year (= $8 a month) for unlimited access; as
long as I can keep my butt in the chair and my eyes open (6 year rates
are even better). Oh, and no startup fee. For this money I get:
Every shell known to Unix, plus a custom one.
E-mail (w/pine, elm, etc.)
Full newsfeed (w/tin, trn, tass, nn, rn, etc.)
IRC on our own server
Web pages and local server
10MB of disk (50MB hard quota w/1week grace)
9.1 GB mail spool (essentially unlimited) w/POP and IMAP servers
Personal FTP space
Lots of local /public files access
Compiler and full lib access
at and cron jobs
Pseudo-SLIP (TIA)
The Usual Net services (finger, archie, gopher, etc.)
Probably a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting
Did I mention telnet account rates are cheaper than dialup?
Just curious, can anyone beat that?
T \ /
LINUX Irish irish@eskimo.com
A / \
Path: falcon.sct.fr!sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!ee.und.ac.za!quagga.ru.ac.za!pukrs7.puk.ac.za!caesar.wits.ac.za!pc80.ms2.wits.ac.za!pjoubert
From: pjoubert@brutus.ms1.wits.ac.za (P.P. JOUBERT (9502307Y))
Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing
Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres!
Date: Thu, 18 May 1995 08:46:23 GMT
Organization: University of the Witwatersrand, Computer/Maths Sciences
Lines: 7
Message-ID: <pjoubert.29.2FBB095E@brutus.ms1.wits.ac.za>
References: <3odlf3$1oh@news.alaska.edu> <3oqek5$640@crchh327.bnr.ca> <3p978j$l7i@dingo.cc.uq.oz.au>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pc80.ms2.wits.ac.za
Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4156 alt.cyberpunk:320 alt.postmodern:194 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:103 alt.cyberpunk.movement:43 misc.writing:1218
Yeah, and mine's bigger than yours.
"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind"